279 Camino Alto Mill Valley CA 94941 415.383.2020
Wednesday 11:30am -1:00pm
also Wednesday 6:30pm - 7:15pm
and Sunday 11:00am - 11:30 am
Bible Lesson study group on Wednesdays from 11:30am to 1:00pm.
If you're interested in learning more about Christian Science, a Reading Room is a great place to start. You can ask questions about Christian Science and find the Bible, the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, a variety of study aids and more. Open to everyone, the Christian Science Reading Room is a combination- bookstore, library, study room, discussion forum.
- The Reading Room is an oasis in Mill Valley where you can
- duck in for a few moments of undisturbed quiet prayer or meditation
- spend time doing in-depth Bible study and research
- enjoy practical, uplifting articles and online chats on www.spirituality.com
- talk with someone about a spiritual approach to solving problems
- borrow or purchase items to aid you on your spiritual journey
- duck in for a few moments of undisturbed quiet prayer or meditation
- spend time doing in-depth Bible study and research
- enjoy practical, uplifting articles and online chats on www.spirituality.com
- talk with someone about a spiritual approach to solving problems
- borrow or purchase items to aid you on your spiritual journey